Heey there…
I just cannot seem to find this…
how can I turn off auto generate grass maps and auto bake landscape textures, it triggers every time I tweak a single parameter and really slows down my workflow.
Regards! Tom
You are probably talking about Compiling Shaders?
If you want to tweak Paramters only, you need to make a Material Instance out of your Material and apply this Material Instance to your Landscape/Mesh.
You can then change the Parameters of the Material Instance without compiling the Material again.
Heey thnx, no, I am talking about the baking part whenever I have painted grass on the landscape. And secondly the baking texture proces when generate distance field is enabled.
Whenever I trigger a change even on a material instance these two got triggered and I really have to wait for that to be finished. I prefer to hit a button whenever my first round on tweaking parameters is done.