Can I just say that I’m actually kind of excited about this! I know there are other “jrpg” solutions on the marketplace (including the big free one), but I love your presentation of this and the stylized look of the template. Think you kinda nailed the aesthetic in a generic way perfect for building over the top of.
Some quick thoughts / suggestions for your development (if you haven’t thought of already )
1 - When out of combat the option to display the other party members as pawns that follow your main character around at a short distance. Bonus points for a key bind / function to swap around among them and take control of them. It’s shame that of all the RPG systems available for UE4 none of them focus very much on the traditional “party” so it’s nice to see your implementation of that classic D&D / JRPG trope. I’m not sure any of them actually show the party “in the field”. If you implement something like this it would be cool to have some adjustments for either having the pawns following in the old FF style “conga line” where the party is just a snake chain of people OR adjusted out spacing so they cluster near you and one another in a small group the way followers sort of hover around in Bethesda games like Skyrim or Fallout 4.
2 - Combined with #1 above if you make adjusting the camera easy it might be possible for users to then implement the top down Unreal project to create a kind of isometric game like the classic Baldur’s Gate, Planescape (or newer iterations like Pillars of Eternity, etc). Having the entire party shown running around in an isometric view that switches in combat to your JRPG over the shoulder view would work quite nicely I think
3 - Make sure it plays nicely with your 2D conversation plug in (of course!). That will help bolster new interest in it.
4 - Some event blueprints / system would be awesome. Based on your template sample video it looks like you already have basic intractable triggers like chest and boss enemy. And I’m guessing some kind of trigger for combats. Mostly though I’m thinking of a “shop” to buy and sell gear and/or items if you don’t have one. Also a “tavern” or “guild” screen to hire / create / dismiss / swap party members… or some event to add and / or remove party members.
Obviously there’s a lot more you could add if you were inclined… traps, quests, zones (damage / healing / stat adjustment / movement speed / combat trigger / random encounters / ambient noise/ play particle effect like smoke, fire, fog, etc), NPC dialog (handled either in 3D or with your 2D plugin), Party dialog (same), adding/removing gold / XP / item(s), teleport party, level transitions (more zones? and/or an intractable trigger), a “shop” to buy skills/spells (extension or variant of the item shop?)… possibly others… looking at RPG Maker and the (very old!) FRUA Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures could bear fruit for many ideas that other RPG maker kits simply leave out.
I know these can be done by the end users, but a lot of folks like to have features built in to reduce development time (and frustration!). Having easy to use blueprint tools right out of the box is what could really make your kit shine.
Anyway best of luck! I think it looks great and can’t wait to see the final release:)
PS: another tangent (and I do apologize, but you seem to focus on RPG genres that tend to get missed or ignored… so you would be a GREAT candidate for this one LOL) - I’m staggered that no one has made a grid based RPG kit. I’m speaking of the Might & Magic style FPS RPG where your party moves a square at a time and fights turn based battles. This has made a resurgence in the last few years with games like Legend of Grimlock I and II, Might & Magic X Legacy and the new Bard’s Tale game. I think something like this would be dead easy for you to create by leveraging concepts from your Turn Based RPG Kit and more so the Interactive Story Plugin. Really though it’s just the JRPG system stuck on top of grid based movement. My kingdom for a kit like this