Steve Robb told me in → this ← thread that TTuple is not yet supported on all compilers.
Is that still the case?
Does it work on Android?
Thank you very much!
Steve Robb told me in → this ← thread that TTuple is not yet supported on all compilers.
Is that still the case?
Does it work on Android?
Thank you very much!
TTuple does now work on all compilers, but it still hasn’t been promoted out of the delegate code because it’s not been a priority to do so.
You can use it if you want, but be aware that you may fall afoul of some undocumented API changes before it becomes official, e.g. I recently made some changes which came through here:
I don’t expect it to change hugely from here though, so you can use it if you are ok with maybe having to rename some function calls or change some arguments.