TSubclassOf is missing every time I open a level

I am trying to save the value I assign to this attribute permanently.
Whenever I open the level it gets none.

UnrealEditor: image

This is the class I want to assign to it and this is the attribute I have:

class ***_API UOther : public UActorComponent, public IUE_Interface //IUE_Interface is an unreal interface.
class ***_API AMyActor final : public AActor.
        UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Attributes")
	TSubclassOf < UOther > Other;

This is the essential, then I have classes that inherit from uOther and these are the ones I want to be stored in the Other attribute.

It seems that using another name with exactly the same content that had the UOther class solves the problem, quite rare (the name of the UOther class is invented, it was to avoid the use of Foo).