TScriptInterface that points to another Actor

I have an Actor class defined in cpp (trigger area for example), which have a reference to another actor that implements a specific interface.

I want to place this trigger area on my level, go to details, and pick what actor should be triggered.

This works well on Unreal Engine 4.27 but I can’t get this to work on Unreal Engine 5.3 / 5.4.

On Unreal Engine 4.27, I open the details panel, it shows me the Property with a picker, as I click on the dropdown list, it shows me all actors on this level that implement this interface, I can pick any of them and it will work.

On recent Unreal Engine versions (5.3, 5.4) this drop down list is empty, and I can’t pick any actor.

if I add a meta tag to my UPROPERTY, with AllowedClasses=“Actor”, it now shows me other actors on the drop down list, but the list will include every actor on the level, including those that do not implement the interface.

/* Rough idea of what I have */

// Interface for my actors to implement
class UTriggerableActor: public UInterface
class MY_API ITriggerableActor

// Actor that implement this interface, a couple placed on the level
class MY_API AMyActor : public AActor, public ITriggerableActor

// My Trigger area
class MY_API AMyTriggerArea

    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
    TScriptInterface<ITriggerableActor> ActorToTrigger; // this property can't be populated on UE 5.3, 5.4

On Unreal Engine 5.3, 5.4, when I expand the drop down list, it says:
“No results, check your filter.”

How can I make this work on Unreal Engine 5.3, 5.4?

If I create the project on UE 4.27, populate this field, and then open the project on UE 5.4, it will show the field as populated and it will work, but won’t allow me to pick another actor.