Trying to use PostProcessInput0 with substrate enabled

I’ve been trying to follow tutorials to learn UE5 on my own, used substrate for glass and some water and i don’t want to switch back and have to remake all of my materials. I understand that Ive seen i could as well do the normal flipped mesh and make it emit a color but, I don’t really want to have to do that especially when its just for a simple highlight on focus for interacting.

From this video
Interaction System - Outline & Interaction Widget - Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial [UE5] #3
I’m continuing to try and use either one of these two

Both say

[SM6] SceneTexture expressions cannot be used in opaque materials except if used with the Single Layer Water shading model.

So I made it transparent

[SM6] SceneTexture expressions cannot use post process inputs or scene color in non post process domain materials

So for the fun, i tried the single layer water shader and got

[SM6] (Node SceneTexture) Only custom depth and custom stencil can be sampled with SceneTexture when used with the Single Layer Water shading model.

I’m not sure if there’s a conversion to the standard method without having to disable substrate, and I’m not sure i really understand why you wouldn’t be able to access Input0 when its simply color as i saw from another post showing source code

// Always Active. Color from the previous stage of the post process chain.
SceneColor = 0

Im just very very confused and trying to finish a game in about 2 weeks! Im new to it and open to advice as well, so any help and explaination is greatly appreciated, apologizes if i couldve found the answer elsewhere