Hi - I am struggling to have proper lighting in my game and try to understand how UE handles light inside and outside rooms.
The following picture is built in a basic UE 5.5 scene (project), with a single directional light and a Post-process volume having a fixed auto exposure (min/max=2.0).
How come inside the above cube (2-sided shadows, 2-sided material), the light passes through walls, but the below room (made of scaled cubes), the light doesn’t pass through ?
The above cube with very thin walls sometimes seems to let light bleed through depending on the global illumination setting your using.
In my experience best way is to use thicker walls and overlap the joints a little to prevent light bleed through. I haven’t had any issues using a wider wall vs using a single plane (like inside your cube) as the wall.
The problem likely revolves around how global illumination is handled as it seems worse with lumen vs screen space or none
Modeling tool. Create 2 boxes. Place them in same position. Scale one of them to get desired thickness. Select both cubes, Model - Boolean tool - operation - choose difference (A-B or B-A).