I see how to toggle the visibility of something but the emitter in question is NOT part of the blueprint. The emitter is moved at the start of the game by the level blueprint and now, in a separate actor blueprint, I am trying to toggle that emitter’s visibility. I just don’t see how to set the target to the emitter.
Anyone have an idea or a tutorial they can point me to? This is the last hurdle to release my simple game. Just can’t figure this one out.
Thanks so much.
I’m kind of lazy, and I’m not sure if this is considered taboo in the game dev world, but whenever I have something that I need multiple classes to reference, I normally have it as a variable in the game mode or game instance. If you do that, you can cast to either of those and get the reference.
You could have the actor have an event dispatcher and bind it in the level to set the visibility.
you guys know of any good tutorials for either method?
I did create a BP with the emitter in it and created an object variable with the emitter in the BP but I don’t know how to call it from another bp. Cast To? Get Actor?