I’ve been trying to create a realistic lightning effect for a while, and one of the things I want to do is have the emitter move the beam only across the surface of nearby objects to make it look like it’s actually interacting with them, in order to do this I need to be able to move the beam end, I’ve tried everything from creating custom update functions that take a difference and move the ribbon particles relative to their link order to lerping the beam end in the emitter update field by the emitter lifetime, it just doesn’t work. Is there a way to update the beam emitter end data to make this work?
Did you try user parameter for end of the beam.
I’ve tried but because I’m unable to use the ribbon lifecycle information from the particle section of the emitter I can’t make it match each arc, instead the change ends up being added to the next arc that spawns. Additionally I’m unable to just update the beam end in the particle update field because the beam end variable is an emitter property, essentially I have no way to update the beam end parameter for each arc.
For those you like to hear an answer:
The last few minutes i have got it worked. A dynamical End Point of the Beam.
- Leave the User-Variable (Vector for Beam End) at the “Beam Emitter-Setup”.
- I set up my Beam in a BP. I use a “LineTraceByChannel” to set the “BeamEnd” as “ImpactPoint”
- After that, you grap your Niagara Component, “Set the Vector Variable”.
- After the “Set” execute the “Reset System” (“Reinitialize System” seem to not working.)
Attention! You might have to use flow control like “Do Once”! Otherwise you won’t see your Particle Effect, because it is permenantly reseting.
I think this is a good pre construction to get it worked.