Trying to get wheels from AwheeledVehiclePAwn in C++

Hi there!
I am working on a base class for my vehicle class inherited from AwheelVehiclePawn
so I can move some BP logic to the base class.
I cant figure out how to get the wheels in C++
here is the BP equivalent:


include “…/ACTORS/Car_CPP.h”


ACar_CPP::ACar_CPP() { PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true; }

void ACar_CPP::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); }

void ACar_CPP::Tick(float DeltaSeconds) { Super::Tick(DeltaSeconds); }

bool ACar_CPP::isCarInTheAir(bool& inTheAir)
bool isInTheAir = true;
// here I want to get the Wheels Array from its base class


why cant access to variables and functions of this component?

GetVehicleMovementComponent returns a base (non-wheeled) chaos vehicle component, cast it to UChaosWheeledVehicleMovementComponent to access Wheels.

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Thanks @Chatouille :slight_smile:

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