Trying to Create a Possesed Vehicle w/o BluePrints

So for some background before I get asked why the hell I’m doing this anyway, for my job they want purely C++ for unreal for some reason no idea why but its what they require. The problem I’m having is trying to set the parameters for the UVehicleWheel class. I created a child class called Frontwheel, and then manually changed all the values by doing something like this in the constructor of the cpp file:

UVehicleWheel::SteerAngle = 45.0f;

Setting the TireConfig file is where I ran into an issue, and I’m not even sure if what I did previously was correct because there’s almost no reference to doing this from all C++. If anyone has an Idea of how to go about this or some resource that would be a big thanks.

The C++ equivalent of changing default properties, is to simply set the variables in your subclass constructor, like so :

    Offset = FVector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
    ShapeRadius = 50.f;
    bAffectedByHandbrake = false;
    SteerAngle = 45.f;

Regarding the data asset I am not sure if there is any specific method to create them a C++. They are simple UObject subclasses so you can probably just instantiate one and define its properties at runtime, like so :

    SteerAngle = 45.f;

    TireConfig = NewObject<UTireConfig>(this);
    TireConfig->FrictionScale = 1.f;