Trying to add compiler options

I would like to implement some python code to the project, but I don’t know how to add the compiler options and I’m not sure what options I’m supposed to use in UE.

I found this in the forums: Add compiler option (Windows) but I can’t find any official documents about the SetupGlobalEnvironment() anywhere, so if there’s a better way, can anyone tell me how?
Almost all of other answers on google are talking about adding something to the VCToolChain.cs file but it broke the engine for me.

Also I think UE uses MSVC as the compiler, but I always used g++ in my other cpp projects so I would appreciate some help converting this into the appropriate line:

-L C:\Users\qwert\scoop\apps\python\current\libs -lpython310 -I C:\Users\qwert\scoop\apps\python\current\include

Thanks in advance!