I am trying to create a game in which many clients are able to connect to a dedicated headless server. I made this .bat file to start this headless dedicated server:
“C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.21\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe” “F:\unreal editor\Multifun\Multifun.uproject” entry -server -log -nosteam
This starts a headless server in the command line and loads the level ‘entry’. I wrote some blueprint logic for the Entry level that loads a new level on ‘Event BeginPlay’ and it doesn’t execute in the .bat file script. I then ran another test in which I simply print a string ‘hello’ on ‘Event BeginPlay’ in the blueprint for the entry level and again, that code is not ran. It seems like the ‘-server’ process is not running blueprint code on the level that it opens. Why not? Can someone help me understand why? Do i need some other commandline args ?