I have a character and want to use it with unreal animations for test purpose. My rig is very very similar to the unreal’s one (the names, hierarchy, position etc). The rig to the right is just for the names, I have not exported it because I use the one from UE.
Your rig’s bone orientations are not close to the mannequin at all. You either have to correct for those when retargeting by changing the retargeting base pose, or use a different rig that’s set up better from the start, like UE4tools.
There’s a way under the bones you can make it show advanced and then change each bones retargerting to animation / animation scaled / couple different ones and it will fix it … just try to mess around changing those on the bones that look messed up
The orientation of the bones on the mannequin to the right doesn’t matter at all because It’s just for names and hierarchy. You can’t see with sticks if axes are correct.
In the tuto, the base pose is still in T-Pose.
UE4tools isn’t for blender except if there was an update.
I’m not talking about the mannequin to the right in Blender really, I’m talking about the skeleton in UE4 which you will retarget the animations from. I’m not talking about axes (bone roll) either, I’m talking about bone orientation in the 3d space. If they are different you will get a result like in the picture you posted. For example the arm bones in your rig are straight, in the UE4 skeleton they are slightly bent in the front view, and also the top view.
As I said earlier you can change the retarget base pose when retargeting by rotating the bones in Persona, clicking the button in the retargeting manager( View Pose or whatever it was called) then clicking Use Current Pose. Doing this takes a long time and you’re not guaranteed to get a perfect result. That’s why I recommend using the UE4tools rig which matches the UE4 mannequin skeleton perfectly without you having to change anything (except renaming the rig in Blender to “armature” to remove the armature as an extra bone).
I’m using UE4tools in the latest Blender version and it works perfectly.
If you’re using the UE4tools rig instead the only thing you have to do is parent your mesh to the rig using vertex groups, then edit the mesh to fit the rig using proportional editing in x-mirror mode.
So It’s basically like the blender rig i suppose ?
But now it works. I’ve just changed in ue4 the “animation” to “skeleton” (sorry i don’t the name of it) like Mike said. It’s not perfect but good enough
I don’t want to stray you from learning. Basically your character is just a basic human. Download Makehuman, and create a character. Export fbx. Import into ue4, and then you can simply find assign skeleton for the animations, or retarget much easier.