Trouble Getting HMD Position in World Space (Morpheus)

There are two functions for getting HMD position:

Get Positional Tracking Parameter
This function doesn’t seem like fully supporting Morpheus 'cause it returns position (0,0,0).

Get Orientation and Position
This function returns position with non-zero values but in very small scale (<0.1). The return value changed accordingly when I move HMD device so I suppose it’s correct in some way but I still don’t know how to use it properly to transform it to my HMD world position.

So, is there a way to get correct HMD position in world space for Morpheus developers or it’s a coming soon feature?

Morpheus firmware version is Beta2_20150522_2_V0.70.01.08
PS4 SDK version 2.500

Get World Transform, unless your talking about positional tracking?

Get Orientation and Position should be returning an offset value from your pawn actor’s world space position. So you need to add the pawn’s world space position to it. But if you’re really getting tiny values no more than 0.1, it also sounds like you have a scale mis-match and need to multiply those values.

Thanks for pointing out the scaling issue. I changed the World to Meters setting in World Settings from 100.0 to 1.0 and everything works fine now!

Actually changing World to Meters from 100.0 to 1.0 makes my HMD movement in game world almost useless. When I step forward with HMD in real life, the camera in game world didn’t move at all (maybe it moved but in 1/100 scaling so I can’t feel it).

So to get HMD movement working I changed World to Meters back to 100, and multiplied the position output from Get Orientation and Position by 100 to get seemly equivalent result.

Yeah I’d leave World to Meters at 100!

I haven’t worked with the Morpheus but it sounds bizarre that it wouldn’t output device tracking values in cm (or whatever your World to Meters value dictates). Sounds like a bug in the morpheus plugin imo, but I am working with a different vr kit so couldn’t say for sure.