Triggering "Fix Actor references" in sequencer from C++, BP, or python

I’m a VFX artist and was wondering if there is a way to call or trigger “Fix Actor Reference” that is used in sequences from C++, BP or Python preferably?

My studio hasn’t gotten around to use a source control just yet and versioning up levels would break virtual production takes and their many subSequences. Since Fix actor reference only fixes the current open sequence only, I have to open every subsequence and fix it there. It has become daunting. So hopefully someone out there ran into this?!

Epic if you’re reading this, make fix actor references fix all subsequences too please.

Yes, you can create an Editor Utility Widget and bind a button to do the following. It operates on the opened level sequence as you have found, so your blueprint logic can open the level sequence you want (or loop through the selected level sequences in the content browser for example)

Oh very interesting, I’ll give this a shot. Thank you!

This definitely worked. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction Max.Chen.

For anyone out there, this is my BP for the Editor Utility Widget button. If you are having trouble finding a for each loop node, create one in level BP and copy past it into your Editor Utility Widget Button BP.

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