Trees only render at certain camera angle

Hello, I just installed Unreal on Lubuntu 19.04 (the only distro where Unreal actually works properly) but I think I’ve stumbled on a bug. I have two kinds of grass and one kind of tree in my terrain. The grass uses two one-sided materials but renders just fine. The kind of tree uses two two-sided materials (one for the bark and one for the leaves) but only renders at certain camera angles in the editor, in preview and in packaged game. Is this really a bug or am I missing something?

Would you mind posting a screenshot for it to be easier to help you finding out whats going on?

Oh sorry, here are the three states according to camera angle:

Are they 2D?

No they’re 3D Static Meshes

where are the centers of each of those assets? I’ve seen something similar happen when I’m not looking at the pivots of some assets.

It’s at the base (bottom) of the tree.

Check their bounds, if the bounding box goes out of camera frustum they’d be culled. Although it’s unlikely the problem if their pivot is within a mesh.

it may also be platform specific bug, if you have a chance, try to run you project on windows machine.

Ok thanx will try that out :smiley: