trees lose details when moving away from object

I am using version 2022.2.3 with the ultra-quality setting, but when I render trees from a far away angle, they lose all their details. However, when I zoom in closer, the details reappear. What can I do to maintain the best quality of tree details when rendering an aerial view?


HI ,

In the viewport, when viewing vegetation assets from the Library from far away, Twinmotion switches to an LOD version of the asset in order to conserve GPU resources. Without this, scenes could lose performance drastically, or crash outright due to high amounts of high detail vegetation.

While this happens in the viewport, it is not reflective of the exported render, which will render using the higher detail model of the tree assets.



Hi Raghib,

I attempted to export the render of my project, and the trees at the front look good.

However, the background shows lower detail of the tree assets. I'm not sure if I set the render settings incorrectly.

Can you provide any guidance?


Hi ,

Discussing with the team, what is happening is that on export, Twinmotion is hitting an LOD limit. In the standard raster rendering mode, there is a limit to the number of high details LODs that are able to be rendered at once, so the tress closest to the foreground are prioritized for high detail rendering, while trees in the background are rendered with lower detail LODs. This limit is in place to prevent crashes during the export process.

If your graphics cards support Path Tracer, this limitation is not present in Path Tracer renders, so all trees will be rendered with maximum detail.

If Path Tracer isn't an option, then while it won't be possible to render all trees with high detail LODs, the final image can be greatly improved by making sure all trees in the background are placed on a surface using a grass material, which will allow the trees to blend more naturally with their surroundings. Also, increasing the Shadow render distance in the Render properties will make sure that the trees cast shadows, which will make them appear much less flat and mask the low details.

I hope this helps.




Trees losing detail when viewed from a bird’s eye view is a serious thing
I like Twinmotion very much, but currently it can only be used for small-scale landscape planning projects or only small-scale buildings.
If the range is large, you can only use other rendering software.
But I really hope Twinmotion can improve this
Because of the large-scale projects, most of the time, up to 50 images are rendered, and the animation sometimes takes up to 10 minutes.
In such a large output state, Path Tracer would not be an option

It would be really great if this could be improved

但我非常希望 Twinmotion 能改進這點
因為範圍大的專案,大多時候渲染的圖多達 50 張,動畫有時候會高達 10 分鐘
在這樣的大量輸出的狀態,Path Tracer 不會是一個選項
