I have encountered a brick wall trying to get certain materials to work in a packaged VR project. I am essentially trying to get some photos to fade in from being transparent, wait, and then fade out to transparent again. Strangely, I have got it working fine in both play-in-editor, and VR-preview modes in the editor, but the images just don’t appear when I package the project.
I have seen a couple of suggested solutions, including moving the .png files into Content/Movies, and updating the file path of the relevant textures to point at the new location (the same process that would get videos working in a packaged build), but this hasn’t worked. I can get the images to display in a packaged build if I place a plane in the scene and apply the material in editor, so my first assumption was that the problem was caused by me creating a dynamic version of the material in blueprints, in order to fade the images in/out. However I have other dynamic materials in the scene, which work fine when packaged, so the only thing I can think of is that translucent materials don’t work in packaged VR builds??? Am I right to assume this, or is there a simple solution?
material - translucent, opacity initially set to 1, changed in blueprints
blueprint constructionScript - tried using both media plane and a normal plane to display image. Both work in editor, neither work in packaged build
event graph - sets initial opacity to 0. Also, for the plane component, makes sure its always facing the player camera (tested and working in editor)
Fade in and fade out functions - working in editor.