Translucent material ray tracing issue with architecture templates

Hi everyone, would like some help or someone to shed some light on issues I encountered.

When selecting the Architecture Blank template, there’s no “Ray tracing” option at the startup menu, and once the project is open all the Raytracing options in the “Project settings>Rendering” are active.
However, if you create a material and select the Blend mode to Translucent and the Lighting mode to “Surface TranslucencyVolume” or “Surface ForwardShading”, the material in the viewport appears pitch black with no tridimensionality whatsoever.
If you manually deactivate the Raytracing options, the material works normally except it doesn’t have any reflections.
Same issue happens with the Archvis template.

I tried with other templates from the Architecture category, (e.g. Collab Viewer) and they all work if you activate “Ray tracing” option or not from the startup menu.
The material is translucent and when you make it glass-like, it has correct reflections.
If you create the same glass material in the Blank template or for example in the Collab viewer template, it looks very different, as shown in the screenshots too.
Although, Collab viewer displays the material in the same way, being raytracing on or off.

Am I missing something? Is there more to it regarding settings and such? Is the pitch black material in viewport just some visual bug?

Thanks for the help!