Translucent Material - Blurred Reflection

Hi All,

I was hoping I could get some help understanding what is affecting my reflections here.

I have 2 materials here with the settings seemingly exactly the same. The material on the left is able to easily reflect the entire room behind it. The material on the right is only able to reflect the objects that are already rendered within the viewport. Any idea what is going on here?

My translucency is set to Raster. I cannot set it to Ray Tracing because it breaks when the material gets wet; the refraction changes and ray tracing can’t handle that well in realtime. Lighting mode is set to Surface ForwardShading for both.

The “broken” material has a lot more complexity in the material graph so I can apply different layers of dirt or running water on top of the glass. But I’m not sure what is breaking the reflections.

Thank you!

Most likely the material is set to use one of the volume translucent lighting modes, instead of surface forward

Thank you for the reply. Both the materials have these settings. Is there something else like post process or project settings wise that could be making one material switch back? It isn’t the static mesh settings because I’ve tested the materials on the same mesh.

EDIT: I’m stupid. It was Allow Front Layer Translucency needs to be True. I swear I checked every settings 5 times.

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