Translation on maniqinn bones not updating in ue 4

Hi, so i have been following a tutorial by the gnomon workshop for fps animation. The instructor in that course modifies the ik_hand_r bone’s translation and rotation in maya and when brings it in ue4 it works perfectly fine. Now when i try to do the same it doesn’t work and as a result the placement of gun is not right as I am parenting the gun with respect to that bone only. When i manually place the gun in correct orientation then at the time of reload animation the socket reset’s the gun’s position and orientation which remains persistent for the rest of the game time. I have already checked this link :- Animated Bone Translation Not Working - Development / Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums ( but couldn’t get it working due to lack of screenshot in the solution mentioned. I would really appreciate any kind of help.

2023-10-04 21-52-51.mkv (10.5 MB)

Got it resolved by parenting the ik_hand_r joint to the gun root and then exporting the bones for the mannequin to unreal and then in unreal i found for gun animation there was an offset needed to be applied of -90 and once done it all got working pretty good.

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