Transfer the skeleton to another model

Hello, I have two human models, but their skeletons are different and the names of the bones are different and because of this I cannot use animation for both at once. Animation retarget does not work correctly. Is there any way to transfer a skeleton from one model to another, as if replacing it?

Here’s my answer from another topic on the same question:

Hope this helps! :innocent:

Thanks, but it seems this documentation is already outdated for UE5. It seems that everything is already done there through IK retarget and IK rig.

There isn’t a more practical way of achieving this since it is in fact not possible to assign skeletal meshes to models that they were not designed for. You can also use a 3D editor such as Blender or Maya to adjust the skeletons but I think the approach demonstrated in this tutorial would be better:

I already guessed that I would have to work in a blender, for example. Thanks for your help.

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Wanned to clarify that the tutorial I provided doesn’t include any adjustments to the skeletal mesh assets but rather retargets the animations that use different skeletons

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