Tranlucency within Material

Hey guys,
I have an issue with this material, everything on this controller looks fine, except for the buttons.
When I set the Blend Mode to Masked, then the buttons just disappear or rather get really thin, when I set it to opaque then the buttons are just white (which makes sense). I’m not sure how I can make the buttons look like transparent plastic.
Below are the materials graphs and the renders

Opaque graph:

Any help would be appreciated

Opaque Render:

Sorry for all the replys but I cant post more than one image per post.

Masked Graph:

Masked Render:

Masked is either visible or invisible, there is no inbetween like semi transparent. You need to switch from a masked material to a translucent one to get semi-transparency (or anything between completely visible and completely invisible).
You can also try subsurface scattering instead.