Training Stream - Spline Importing w/ - Jan 10th - Live from Epic HQ


is back in action to talk about his techniques for getting the best results from exporting and importing splines from 3DSMax into UE4. has created a custom exporting pipeline with some script and is going to walk through how it works and how you can do it yourself. If you are a 3D modeler or a developer who uses splines, you will want to tune in for this enlightening stream.

Tuesday, January 10th @ 2:00PM ET Countdown]



  • Developer Relations Technical Artist - @wlkrnn12]()

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But can it be done from Maya / Maya LT? Obviously if it’s using MAXScript, nope, but it would be nice to see more streams like this utilizing Maya LT/Modo Indie every once in awhile. It can be then be applied also to their big brothers (Maya/MODO).

While 3DS was (is?) the king for GameDev, especially in the AAA market, for some odd reason I would think if you were to “target” the indie market a bit more, it would have more of an impact. Especially, since once again, these techniques can then be applied to their big brothers.

I suppose a poll would be more in order to see what DCC the majority of devs are utilizing at the moment.

Oh, I forgot about Blender…

yes, we need more Blender Luv!

is this 3ds only? we need more blender tools for unreal =)

That is awesome!

can we use cinema 4D too?

Blender is great! Easy, fast, versatile! More about the interaction between Blender and UE4

Rhino could use some more love too…

are you serious you use 3dsmax for this
WHY NOT BLENDER 3D!!!..???:cool:

well lets throw ART (Animation Rigging Tool) in here too - not to mention the struggle the community has been having getting Blender into UE4

more Blender Luv Pls! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I agree!

I think this is awesome, I was super thrilled to hear this is being explored especially since I use 3dsmax myself :slight_smile:

I do think its problematic that a large portion of the community continually pushes for support of the software they might use, I understand that has needs but you dont see me having a go at Maya tools (like the animation stuff) not supporting 3dsmax. Its because we have alternatives and can make alternatives of our own, unfortunately I feel like calling yourself indie is meant to come with some sense of entitlement from how people approach new features.

Im just glad that this is being pursued because I use splines alot, infact my preferred tool for splines isnt 3dsmax its Adobe Illustrator and I typically export from that to do extrusions in 3dsmax but I could also use Autocad. In terms of new modelling tools and ArchViz work splines are amazing, they can be used to do trims in housing quite quickly by copying the same lines used from the walls so its an extremely powerful technique on its own.

Obviously I want to see support for a wider variety of applications not just in the “indie” space (even though Im an indie who uses Adobe and Autodesk products) but that type of thing takes time and resources that a single programmer might not have, it also adds complexities not just in code but also legalities, format wars etc, I prefer to just have solid tools that work rather than flakey tools that support every application known to man :cool:

great job guys

Maya guys got the Animation and Rigging Toolset…which is a HUGE DEAL.

This is great, very excited for the livestream :slight_smile:

link to [countdown] absent :wink:

Hey all, I have attached the shape files, the macroscript, and the SplineWriter graph.

If you’ve watched the stream and saw the part where the circle comes in incorrectly, the issue was found in that the last node of the graph should be set to local, and the World to Local conversion on the out tangent was swapped. The file contains the corrected version.

Thank you very much, a great lesson.
I started doing this in the Blender.

import bpy

ob = bpy.context.object
assert ob.type == 'CURVE'

curve =
spline =
assert spline.type == 'BEZIER'

scale = 100.0

id = 0
print ("---,InVal,OutVal,ArriveTangent,LeaveTangent")
for p in spline.bezier_points:
    print ('%i,"%f","(X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)","(X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)","(X=%f,Y=%f,Z=%f)"' % (id, float(id),[0]*scale,[1]*scale*-1,[2]*scale, p.handle_left[0]*scale, p.handle_left[1]*scale*-1, p.handle_left[2]*scale, p.handle_right[0]*scale, p.handle_right[1]*scale*-1, p.handle_right[2]*scale))
    id = id + 1

I made a different structure, removed the float vector added
Everything works fine, except for the positions Handley
I do not understand is how it works.
I will be glad prompts.

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Archive is up now

I just got done watching and its great stuff :slight_smile: I really like how this is something people can implement themselves, I hadnt even considered scripting in Illustrator honestly so this really shows how abit of different thinking can find a solution that works around the engines limitations. I do hope the conversation around splines and a proper specialized datatype continues at Epic, as AlanNoon said they are a very versatile tool which could open alot of doors :cool: