Hello ,
reading about this thread and your upcoming twitch stream made me see the light!
It was clear to me that this was THE time to ask well-lit questions and bask in your radiant glow of knowledge.
Your answers could set me ablaze, inspire me and let me cast off the dark chains of obscurity!
I just know I had to write this in a flash, quivering with anticipation!
so without further solemn and dusky due, please be so kind to answer these well polished questions!
Lets flare of the first question:
Could you please enlighten me and tell me what kind of lighting would be perfect for my desk?
I am currently rocking three 3 watt LED’s giving me a slightly warm 2700k.
Would you suggest colder or warmer colors? keep using LED or go back to the slightly warmer energy saving bulbs?
Imho their IES profiles feel better as well.
Also, what kind of light would you suggest for a kitchen?
I tried fluorescent light so I could clearly see how well I am cutting the vegetables, but the romance is just lost.
Even just having the strip-light turned off, its still visible… the shape of it… well… its turning me off.
What is your opinion on blacklight? do you know of any tricks to make sure the blankets dont lights up like a lighthouse set ablaze?
Would you argue that whiter walls are a must to make a room look bigger, or would you go with warmer colors?
What about mirrors near windows to fill the room with brilliant sunlight?
speaking about light, what do you think about god-rays?
To me they just look like the man in the clouds just let one rip amirite? hehe.
All kidding aside though…
How many Unreal Developers would it take to implement a working DGI model into UE4?
hmm I am sure there is a joke in here somewhere… But I am not seeing it.
Maybe you can come up with an idea with an illuminated light-bulb above your own bulb to finish that joke!
oh well, I hope you will answer my questions and don’t leave me hanging in the dark.
Ps: any you could talk about anti-light? (taking light away from a scene) and if that would ever be a working thing? (instead of faking it)
It might be against your policy, but if you would lighten up a little…
That would really light up my day
PPs: Whats up with Bay and all those lens flares, lasers, and beams!? You’d think his proverbial filament is a bit lose.
PPPs: I can already hear the fireworks going off in my head hearing your sweltering answers!
Signed, Edison & Nicola Tesla