Training Livestream - Blender to UE4 - May 30 - Live from Epic HQ

Yes - I am seeing this exact same thing in Blender 2.78c as shown in Simon’s first link - just download the BlendMann.blend and open in Blender 2.78c on Windows 10… anyone else seeing this or know how to fix it? Maybe an older version of blender was used for this (relatively recent) video tutorial?

You see the little button at the top of the screen? The one that says “Reload Trusted”? You must be loading the file from an untrusted directory, so it won’t run the Python scripts needed for Rigify to work properly. It’s a security feature to prevent somebody from doing bad things to you through a Blender file.

Hit that button and it will work fine. You can go into preferences to add directories that Blender will run scripts from.

Has anybody had much luck with the retargeting from the Epic skeleton to the Unrigify? There’s something really odd about the retargeting. When I retarget to’s version, it works perfectly. When I retarget to a UE4 skeleton exported to Blender and then re-imported with a new skeleton, it retargets perfectly. But this guy, not so much.

I modified the stream asset, if anybody’s interested. My version makes the following changes:

  • Creates a duplicate asset on a separate layer with bone names matching Unreal’s expected names so that you don’t have to manually map bones
  • Sets default name to “Armature”, which causes 4.16 to remove the extra root bone
  • Sets correct scale in the Blender document and removes the scale change from the script

It’s essentially the same as the original Unrigify, I just tweaked it to avoid manual work. That being said, I’m probably going back to tools, as I can’t get the retargeting to work quite right on this rig for some reason. It would be nice to have a Rigify to Unreal solution, but there still seems to be a missing link in that chain.

Thank you Kneebiter. It worked !

Hi Kneebiter, the file you made seems to be working fine, except ue still cant identify all the bones correctly. other than that the retargeting works fine if everything set up corretly. What problem did you find?

The retargeted animations aren’t quite the same as the original. Hard to describe exactly what went wrong, but the retargeted animations look like someone not fully in control of their muscles. :slight_smile:

I’m curious which bones didn’t map correctly? That could explain the problem. The only bones I noticed not mapping was spine3, plus the custom and IK bones. There simply wasn’t enough bones in the rigify deform spin to have a hip, pelvis, three spines, and a neck.

unless we are talking about very small differences I couldn’t find any between the default mannequin and blenderman using either a or starter content animations.I mapped spine 2 to both spine 2 and 3. all ik bones were set to none. in retargeting options all bones were set to ‘skeleton’ except pelvis which was ‘animation scaled’ and root which was ‘animation’ wtih these settings it should work.

Thanks! The only difference from that is that I simply didn’t map spine3. I’ll try that when I’m next at my personal computer.

Update: mzprox - targeting spine2 to both spine2 and spine3 was the solution. Not sure there’s any way to automate that, though, since I can’t assign the same name to two bones in Blender, but I can deal with manually selecting one bone. :slight_smile:

What actually happens when you map one bone to two bones like that, do both bone rotations get additively applied in succession to a single bone when you retarget an animation?

Unreal Engine is supposed to remove the extra bone now. so make sure you are using the version of Blender & UE4 mentioned in the stream!

I meant the extra spine bone, not the armature root bone.

oh… sorry, wow usually pay more attention.

I’ve done this before & usually doesn’t hurt the animation & I actually didn’t notice any adverse effect.
( there may be some certain ‘use’ case where there’s an issue but I haven’t seen one yet, that you couldn’t adjust settings etc. to come up with decent results)

has anyone had this issue when opening the rig and how can you fix the object mode pose to match the armature and in edit mode it’s fine. Just downloaded file and looks like this on open.

Make sure you Python stuff is running… User Prefs -File -Auto Run Python Scripts… Save User Settings and restart Blender.

Has anyone in this thread ever managed to go the other way around?

What I mean is, instead of focusing so much on importing a new rig from blender into unreal, how about we just focus on making the unreal skeleton work in blender as is (without bone orientation changes?).
Meaning, can’t we do the same thing that Skeleton Re-targeting does backwards inside Blender via Python?

The only challenge I see is figuring out how to apply the orientation change of one rig to another…

sorry to be bumping this up but I’ve been using this blend file a lot and was hoping to get it working on Blender 2.8. The rigify part works however the script throws an error and it doesnt work anymore. has anyone managed to get this working on Blender 2.8?