Trader Verification 3 times rejected (meanwhile 8x times)



i got 3 times rejected now on my Trader Verification. I dont get any information what is wrong. I don’t know which document is necessary. I have sended out 3 different documents, to proof that my company is valid and registered. It all worked on sketchfab and other stores. Why do i always get rejected on FAB without any information?

Please help

Greets Phil

What type of bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

just try to register on fab

Expected Result

i expect to get a approval or at least an information why i get rejected

Observed Result

nothing happens



Operating System


I have the same problem. I keep sending incorporation Certificate and Bank statement, but it keeps being rejected with an error that it can’t verify some information without any clarification and fab support saying please provide a document that will accepted or refer to your legal representative.

This is ridiculous since the documents i provide gets accepted everywhere. Also, they do not allow you to attach multiple documents. You can attach only a single document every time.


i merged all the documents into one PDF file and sended it out again. But i got now my 5th rejection. They didn’t accept it again. Iam lost.

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Hi everyone. Please reach out to They may be able to provide more information about what’s causing verification problems.

hi abby,

i allready did and got this vague and generic answer.



hey abby, is there any possiblity to get more informations? Meanwhile i got rejected 5x times. I also merged all documents into one PDF File. I still don’t know what the problem is. Please help. We had no problems to sell our products on sketchfab. Its now round about two weeks, that we can’t sell our products, since FAB is online. Please help!

hey abby, do you can help? I still having problems since minimum 3 weeks now. Iam relativley frustraded meanwhile, but i still don’t wanna give up hope. Please Help! What is the problem? Why don’t we get more information? I fell a bit lost at the moment. I got rejected 5x times now.

Hey Abby,

iam sorry for spamming, but this is the only option i have left. I tried everything else. Mail, SketchFab Legacy Support, SketchFab discord and here. Please help.

Hey Abby, is there anything else i can do? So far iam force to wait and spam. Why is nobody responsible for such a case like we have? I know that iam not the only one. Please help!

Try to re contact them on
Or on the category forum of Topics tagged fab
(there seem to be more active staff from that category)
Some staff are most likely on holidays am guessing.


thanks for your answer. I allready contacted the support multiple times and i always got the same generic answer i posted above as screenshot.

Thanks for the second link, i will take a look at it.

Sure any worker deserves their Holiday 100%, but EPIC is such a large company and when the company switch the complete store system, i expect to have a working support + more then one community manager :slight_smile:

Hi, I think you should Contact the Company that did Verification, maybe they could provide you more Information?

I can’t remember the name but it Started with T, I got it from Disclaimer that was Issues before Trader Verification that this ( T ) will do verification and is 3d party, your data will be shared with them or something similar.

You can try to Find this Company in Agreement, Disclaimer, etc maybe it may provide you some Lead
I will try to dig more Information, especially this T mention and I will update you here.

Also which document did you submitted? Do you have Tax ID or something similar? try using that as well if it contain Street Address, City and Country.

Its Trolley, I don’t know they are the one who do Verification or not? can you confirm or ask Fab Support who does 3d Party Verification?

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Thanks a lot. I will give this a shot! Yeah i asked FAB who the third Party company is. But i got always the same generic same answer unfortunetly. So i got stuck there.Thank you.

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Unfortunetly i was sick the last days and had a small delay. Anyway i got an answer and it was not really helpful.

Thank you for reaching out.
For security reasons, we can only provide support directly to businesses with an account with our platform.
For assistance, please reach out to the business that is sending you payments, and then they can follow up with us as necessary. Thank you for your understanding.

Hmm, Are they referring to Hyperwallet then? Do you have Account there created by Epic Games for Payment yet?

By the way have you tried your Tax ID for Verification?


no i dont have an Account there. I got mails from FAB that i should fix my payout informtation. I quote: “[Action Required] Provide Your Payout Information For Fab”

But i didnt looked for that, cause i thought without a trader account, there is no reason to take care of any payout information. I didnt even saw a possiblity where i can provide that information apart from the trader verfication process.

“By the way have you tried your Tax ID for Verification?” - Yes i did and it worked on all other plattforms like Steam aswell.

i wrote Trolley again. It was the answer to their first mail and guess what, i got the same generic answer again. So on FAB and on Trolley i only get generic pre written text autoamtic answers. So iam pretty sure meanwhile, that no human even have read my problem. Maybe Abby, but she doesn’t answer aswell here anymore. I won’t give up. I keep pushing, i try to get my store page back.

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hey abby, do you consider to come back and maybe help us? It’s over a month now, i wrote FAB Support and i wrote Trolley support and only got automatic generic answers from both. I wrote tim sweeney on twitter multiple times and got no answer, i wrote her and sure i got an answer, but it was not helpful. I even wrote SketchFab support on Discord and they really tried to help me as much as they could. SketchFab support was amazing, but unfortunetly they couldn’t help me.

You are the only person who can maybe help us, so please please please help us! PLEASE!