Tracking flickering with Scene API, Unreal Engine 5

Hello, I’m having an issue with Unreal Engine 5’s MRUtilityKit. When I try to use the Scene API to make meshes appear on walls, it works. However, as soon as I press the Meta button to recenter the game or I step out of the boundary and return, the game elements appear in multiple locations at once while flickering, as if the tracking goes crazy. This makes the Scene API feature unusable for our project. I’ve tried the application on multiple headsets and built it from several PCs, but the issue remains. When I use the deprecated solution with the “OculusXRSceneActor” everything works fine, I don’t have these tracking issues. Unfortunately i need some features only avalaible in the Scene API.

Thank you for your help

I managed to fix it, in case one day someone encounters the same issue, it was because I had in my Character, in the Class Defaults, in the Pawn Category, the checkboxes “Use Controller Rotation Pitch” and “Use Controller Rotation Roll” checked. Uncheking them fixed the issue.