Tracker device UI does not show up for players who join in progress.


The tracker device UI will not show up for players who have joined the game in progress.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

What I personally did:

  1. Create a tracker device.
  2. Create a custom tracker widget and assign it to your tracker device.
  3. Set assign when joining in progress to true.
  4. Start a playtest and have someone join in progress.

Expected Result

The tracker device UI should show up for all players. Whether they join in the middle of the game or not.

Observed Result

The tracker device UI will not show up for the players who join during the game.


ps4 and pc


How would I go about “bumping” it?

I was bumping the thread back to the top by replying because I have the same issue and want attention on it

Ok, Thank you.

They’ve been working on it for a while now, likely a complicated issue since its yet to be resolved…
The stat creator also suffers from the same issue :confused:

I thought they fixed it last update? Was it still not patched?

its better but can still fail and the stat device is just as bad if not worse

Do you also have an issue with billboards not showing up for JIP players? Do half the devices just not work when players jip?

Well, for my first map it looks like it is working since then (and it was not before the update where they mentioned that they fixed it), but that is not true for my 2 other maps (one public, one only for testing) where the Tracker UI is still not visible on the HUD for accounts that join a session that is already running. I tried many different changes to find the cause of this (at one point I deleted almost everything in my test map), but without any luck. In some maps it just still doesn’t work.

And yes, Stat Creator has the same issue right now, but so far they never said that it was fixed for a Stat Creator, only that they are working on a fix for it.

yea the billboards is a issue you can loop and keep showing the text every 10 seconds or so and itll fix it. This was reported but closed as they couldnt replicate it. Makes no sense

Update to my last post. Today I joined that first map of mine that I talked about when there were more players already and the session started earlier (it could be 1 or 2 hours before I joined becouse it was after it got a tab in Discover). And unfortunately I did not see any Tracker UI on the HUD. Then I joined the same session also with my second account from different computer and it was the same (no Tracker UI on the HUD). So at this moment I have no map where the Tracker UI would work correctly for Joined In Progress players. It is either visible only for some Joined In Progress players, or for no one at all.

One additional info: about an hour after I joined that session with my 2 accounts and I didn’t see any Tracker UI on the HUD (which I described above) my friend joined the same session from different location and different computer and the Tracker UI on the HUD was visible for that additional account. Of course there should be some specific reason for it, but it just looks random so far.

And to clarify - I am aware of long-term issues with rounds, so all of my islands don’t use any kind of round system at all.

dyk if anyone has figure out a workaround yet? I’d be down to do whatever is needed with verse or hud controllers to fix this lol

In my experience it’s consistent in not working unless the round changes while the player is there. However it’s 100% working in private island codes and edit sessions so it’s very hard to try to find a workaround

Its an Epic issue nothing we can do. I completely dnt use them anymore and have since just made custom hud widgets and set text accordingly via verse its so much easier and the hud device always shows for normal/jip players

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yeah, looks like this is the way. I just hate using sequencers for progress bars due to lag considerations :confused:

you dnt need it complex tho and you could even use an animation in the hud and attach conditions to trigger the animation they is some tuts on these things on the epic docs and im sure if you went deep in the learning you could do some amazing things with the system

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oh yeah true, I never looked much into the conditions. ty

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ive only had a play with them but you can do some cool stuff

FORT-840253’s status has changed to ‘Ready for QA’. A member of the QA department is investigating the issue.