I need to get a world or component space location for the HMD too. The game must have it somewhere, since it’s rendering the view from that position. Right now the Blueprint nodes only give you either the camera location in world space, or the HMD position in camera-relative space.
Quite difficult to debug, too, since the Rift only works when you launch in a stand alone window, so no blueprint debug.
Edit: Device position is always 0, 0, 0 for me, even when positional tracking works fine. (on 4.3.1 with 0.4.1 SDK… trying it with the same project in 4.4.3 now).
there are a old bug in the hmd position, i submit weeks ago. they fixed in 4.4.3.
Anyway not work i try sum camera position location vector + hmd position but nothing change (i don’t if this its correct and should work, there are another bug or i doing it incorrectly)
Hey, I finally fixed that bug in the VR template just now actually, traces work like a charm. I’m uploading the changes to now but here is the quick rundown on how I fixed it.