I have a blueprint set up that sends a trace at a character utilizing destructable components. The components are on their own trace channel that is shared by nothing else. About 80% of the time the trace returns the general actor but not the destructible component (even though the component was clearly hit), preventing me from applying damage
Try using a Single Sphere Trace instead of Line. Since lines are 2 dimensional it can be hard to see what is going on. You can make a very small sphere radius that should produce better results when trying to hit smaller components.
Alternatively, perhaps you can give each component a collision volume that is slightly bigger than the component and use this box to call damage on component hits? You could tweak its size to ensure hits are being called when projectiles clearly miss.
Same deal, the sphere hits the component properly when you turn the debug line on but the output of the hit only has an actor, no destructible component (keep in mind this only occurs about 80% of the time seemingly at random)
You might change the collision type for the component asset to something more robust.
If that doesn’t work, create some volumes that are slightly bigger than the destructible and pull your hits from there.
No luck still, It seems that there is a simplified collision box of some form set around the destructible component (even though everything is set to not use simplified collision). If a break a piece off of the destructible and then shoot in that spot the shot hits an invisible wall. Thanks for the help btw
Hmm, I haven’t dealt with the collisions for destructibles so I may not have the best advice. I know the system doesn’t like concave collision so I am not sure how you update collision on something that has been partially destroyed and made concave.
Have you tried using Auto Convex Collision? It seems like you have a collision box that covers your entire asset so it doesn’t update when destroyed. But the Auto Convex lets you have more “zones” in a collision box by increasing the hulls and vertices in the asset. If you increase the hulls you can see your collision box go from green to green/red/blue and seems to be sectored on the asset.
It might help. Not sure if one of it’s zones would deactivate if a piece of the mess disappears. You may need to do something to tell it to update.