Hello everyone! I searched everywhere for a tutorial but nobody releases useful guides.
Does anyone know how to switch from third person to first person aiming as in Ghost Recon widlands or Pubg? I’ve been going crazy with blueprints for months without finding any solution.
On PC i like theactual shoot system but I’m optimizing my game for mobile version and I miss this step.
Thank you in advance for your attention.
ok i will try this way following the video you linked to me. I hope to solve. my character only shoots if he is in aim mode (right mouse button) but I would like to shoot without aiming and have the key to aim in FPS using for example the holographic optic or a red dot.
I will try to follow the video hoping to implement the notions in my blueprints. Unfortunately I’m not a programmer and I built the whole project with online tutorials. forgive my poor English.
Thanks again.
Hi - you don’t need to change TPS to FPS, you just need to attach a camera to your gun and change view target:
ok i will try this way following the video you linked to me. I hope to solve. my character only shoots if he is in aim mode (right mouse button) but I would like to shoot without aiming and have the key to aim in FPS using for example the holographic optic or a red dot.
I will try to follow the video hoping to implement the notions in my blueprints. Unfortunately I’m not a programmer and I built the whole project with online tutorials. forgive my poor English.
Thanks again.
This is what i’m looking for
Yes, this is ‘set view target with blend’ 
There is ALSO something going on with a lens material on the sight, but I recommend you get the view target working first.
It really is just an extra camera connected to the gun and you change view targets from the 3rd person cam to the gun cam and back…
Do you know a video or site where I can find a tutorial?
Unfortunately I don’t know where and how to insert the “set target with blend” 
I’m bad at programming and i’m working on a template ( Character Interactions v 3 )
With a bit of dedication and perseverance I was able to change many settings and personalize them, but now I have a block and I don’t know where to put my hand 
if I post here some screenshots can you help me?
I can show you how to change the default third person project to make it do this, any good?
Sorry, meant to say, I can show you how to change the default first person template. I know you’re using 3rd person, but the principle is the same… ( there is no weapon in the 3rd person )
it would be great and I’m sure it will help me
Thanks a lot
Here you go, quite unexciting, but gets the point across. I took a default first person, added a child actor to the character, and made it a camera:

Then I made a bit of code ( in the character ) which blends between the two cameras:

It will work just the same with 3rd person, just blend between the normal cam and the gun sight cam 
Man…I really appreciate it !!!
I immediately make an attempt using the default First person camera as you did.
Then I’ll try the same thing on my project.
I don’t want to lose all the other blueprints settings like the firing system, crouch, bullet holes in the game and other interactions.
Unfortunately my character only shoots if he is aiming. And I will try a solution to this too.
I hope I don’t encounter any more problems.
I will keep you updated.
Thank you so much

It worked wonderfully … now I will try on my original project.
You saved me
I have no words! It was very useful !!
Only one problem remains.
In the first-person test project everything works as well as you showed me.
In the third person project when I release the aim button the camera is inside the character’s stomach.

but the road you indicated to me was correct
Sounds like you gave the wrong target to the set view target. I has to be an actor with a camera, not any components within the actor ( even if it is a camera )…
You can find your blueprints code at the end of mine…so I can aim and shoot
Yup, this is what I said
it has to be an actor with a camera, so on that lower set view node, you need to use ‘getthirdpersoncharacter’ as the new view target…
PS, did you get a copy of Chameleon ( post processing ) when it was free? It has a scope effect built in, which you can use in conjunction with the view target… 
Sorry, you have it! - I meant getplayercharacter ( my brain put the thirdperson bit in… ).
Chameleon ( not free any more ):
But there are tutorials on scopes…