Hi, I have a question about TPromise.
I am working on LibHv based HTTP server implementation to UE5.
- I have a an UCLASS and it has a
TPromise<int> Promise;
- I set it’s value with a function which is inside a member function like this
- After that I initialize my UCLASS in this callback in FRunnableThread
auto Callback_Router_Handler = [this](HttpRequest* Request, HttpResponse* Response)->int
UHttpConnectionLhv* LibHvConnection = NewObject<UHttpConnectionLhv>();
LibHvConnection->Request = Request;
LibHvConnection->Response = Response;
TSharedFuture<int> Future = LibHvConnection->Promise.GetFuture().Share();
int ResponseCode = Future.Get();
return ResponseCode;
the problem is, I can get correct respond code and there is no crash at game play but when I want to close UE5 editor, it shows me this error.
/** Destructor. */
if (State.IsValid())
// if you hit this assertion then your promise never had its result
// value set. broken promises are considered programming errors.
Is there any suggestion about it ?