Touchpad Axis Event breaks on rename

Is there some hidden naming convention with SteamVR and trackpad axis bindings?

If I use names for axis event from VRTemplate it works fine


And vive_controller.json has this entry

"mode": "trackpad",
            "path": "/user/hand/left/input/trackpad",
                     "output": "/actions/main/in/MotionControllerThumbLeft_X,MotionControllerThumbLeft_Y X Y_axis2d"

But if name AxisEvent differently my binding breaks and vive_controller.json loses any mention of binding

Is about new SteamVR Input system since 4.23, need Regenerate Controller Bindings, in the editor on SteamVRInput icon. After do changes in the inputs project, need map it (Launch SteamVR Bindings Dashboard) and finally regenerate like commented.