트윈모션에서의 로그인

트윈모션에서 로그인 불가.

epic games launcher에서 로그인을 한 후에 트윈모션을 실행해도 로근인이 안됨.

로그인이 안되니 트윈모션 클라우스 서비스를 이용할 수 없음.

빠른 답변 부탁드림.​


It is possible that this could be due to an issue with your connection to some remote services used by Twinmotion during the login process. Please ensure that all of the services defined in the Twinmotion Requirements for remote services (epicgames.com) article are not being blocked by your network. If you are on a company network, you may need to contact your IT support department for assistance.

