Hi, I am currently trying to create a topdown-shooter that is capable of multiplayer. I used at little function to get the current location of the mouse cursor so the character can always face in that direction. However, I can´t get that rotation to replicate. The rest of the movement works just fine because it uses the characterMovement component which is replicated by default. But since my function is using the Set Actor Rotation node instead it just won´t replicate no matter what I do.
I just can´t wrap my head around it so any help would be much appreciated.
create a variable called TargetRotation and set that as RepNotify
dont use SwitchHasAuthority, use IsLocallyControlled
On Tick update your TargetRotation and set it on ServerOnly with an RPC,
On Repnotify SetActorRotation with TargetRotation
Or it may be SetControlRotation, im not in engine right now
No Multicast Required.
Also make sure nothing else messes with the Rotation, ie OrientRotationToMovement