Top Down Movement template - movement not working?

I’m copying the Top down template (c++) so I can learn the functions and how to do things, and as far as I can tell I have copied it 100%, but for some reason my player won’t respond to right click input. My player won’t move, and I believe its because it doesn’t know my playercontroller is the right player controller, but I can’t find anything different with my project and the template.

I would post all of the code, but I’m not getting compiler errors and I doubt anyone will go through all of that code.

Is there any possible cause for my movement not working?

Hey Snowl0l,

Do you have a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume in your level? You’ll need to create one and ensure that it covers the entire surface you’d like your character to be able to walk on.


I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day

This was probably my problem, but I gave up on that project.