[TOOL] Create your own binary build for your team

@skealeye Did you try the latest version?

Nice tool! Is it still supported? Highest engine version is 4.25 I see.
Also, could this be used as well to create binary builds from dev versions? I’m interested in the dev-rendering version of UE (its 4.26 with the new GPU lightmass). For disk space and testing on a laptop, a small binary build would be very welcome (compared to a complete 100Gb github build version).

[quote=“maxbrown, post:62, topic:81421”]

Nice tool! Is it still supported? Highest engine version is 4.25 I see.
Also, could this be used as well to create binary builds from dev versions? I’m interested in the dev-rendering version of UE (its 4.26 with the new GPU lightmass). For disk space and testing on a laptop, a small binary build would be very welcome (compared to a complete 100Gb github build version).

Yes it is still supported. You can use any branch of UE4 (release, master, dev-x branches).

I tried to use this to build the engine but I’m getting an Unknown Argument error in the InstalledEngineBuild command-line arguments for PS4, Switch and XBox One platforms. The problem is with these arguments in the commandline -set:WithPS4, -set:WithXboxOne & -set:WithSwitch.

Its building now, after removing that part in the Main Window Class. The InstalledEngineBuild.xml does not even have any definition for Switch, PS4 and X Box One build arguments. Its very strange. I hope this doesn’t build the PS4, Switch and X Box One platforms to my engine binary now.


[quote=“anonymous_user_da48ad62, post:65, topic:81421”]

I tried to use this to build the engine but I’m getting an Unknown Argument error in the InstalledEngineBuild command-line arguments for PS4, Switch and XBox One platforms. The problem is with these arguments in the commandline -set:WithPS4, -set:WithXboxOne & -set:WithSwitch.

Its building now, after removing that part in the Main Window Class. The InstalledEngineBuild.xml does not even have any definition for Switch, PS4 and X Box One build arguments. Its very strange. I hope this doesn’t build the PS4, Switch and X Box One platforms to my engine binary now.

Maybe those options have been removed. I’ll have to check and update the GitHub.

Updated to v2.6.


Support Unreal Engine 4.25 and above.
Add copy command line menu option.
Add 2019 compiler option.
Add datasmith plugin support.

Grab the latest release here: Release Unreal Binary Builder v3.1.3 ¡ ryanjon2040/Unreal-Binary-Builder ¡ GitHub

Thank you again for this awesome tool! :slight_smile:

@Kris Thank you! :slight_smile:

Just updated again actually: Release Unreal Binary Builder v3.1.3 ¡ ryanjon2040/Unreal-Binary-Builder ¡ GitHub

Add information about how many files compiled per step and total files compiled.
Support canceling zipping.
Support directly zipping and skip building if Engine build exists in LocalBuilds\Engine
Fix "The path is not of a legal form" when zipping.
Fix GameConfiguration might be missing when preparing command line.
Refactor PrepareCommandline function.
Added GameAnalytics for the app.

Is there any extra step for console targets? I have added the switch files to my engine source but the switch target is grayed out in the builder.

@Elathan The option is greyed out because 4.25 and above removed console support from the xml file. My guess is that since console licensees will have a custom engine, they can choose the build xml file manually and pass the console target options as custom options. Since I don’t own any console licenses I’m not sure how exactly it works or if the build process is different.

Try this. Open InstalledEngineBuild.xml from your switch licensed Engine and check if it has any option related to enabling switch target. If it has, then choose this build file in Unreal Binary Builder which will then enable Custom Options section. You can then pass any options via this custom options section.

Been working on v3 of Unreal Binary Builder which now lets you run Setup.bat, Build Automation Tool, Build Plugins, Build/Package your Project and more. Stay tuned! :slight_smile:

Here is WIP screenshot of v3:

v3.0 is now available with brand new ui and using dotnet core. Check it out here: Unreal Binary Builder v3.0 released — ryanjon2040



@ryanjon2040 Out of curiosity, why combo boxes instead of checkbox? it seems highly impractical, anyway little comment, thanks for the support

@ZkarmaKun You are right. I’ll change combo boxes to check box

@ZkarmaKun I have updated the UI to checkbox instead of combobox.

@ryanjon2040 programmers are angels on earth when they share stuff, thanks again

Hi, just want to say thanks to ryanjon2040 for this awesome tool.

I found a problem trying to limit the number of threads while compile, because even setting the Threads number in Setup tab, didn’t made any change. Reason to change number of threads: running out of ram with all the cli and compiler drivers spawned.

Don’t know if it is related to the tool, but just wanted to point that doesn’t matter the number of threads you set, at certain point, compiler uses all the threads spawning a cli and compiler driver for each thread available on the CPU.

[quote=“ikifenix, post:78, topic:81421”]

Hi, just want to say thanks to ryanjon2040 for this awesome tool.

I found a problem trying to limit the number of threads while compile, because even setting the Threads number in Setup tab, didn’t made any change. Reason to change number of threads: running out of ram with all the cli and compiler drivers spawned.

Don’t know if it is related to the tool, but just wanted to point that doesn’t matter the number of threads you set, at certain point, compiler uses all the threads spawning a cli and compiler driver for each thread available on the CPU.

Should be an Engine issue unless the passed commandline is wrong. I think it sets --numthreads or something similar like that.

Updated to v3.1.2


Support Unreal Engine 5
Add basic editor to edit target cs files.
Add options to Start Build. You can now choose to run Setup, GenerateProjectFiles or AutomationTool.
Add UnrealBuilderHelpers class
New copy button in log viewer to copy message to clipboard.
Add changelog link to menubar.
Check and Install Update now shows version number.
Selecting Engine Version is now optional.
FIXED: Git dependency cache path
FIXED: OpenClipboard Failed (0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN))
FIXED: ShadowErrors.cpp reporting as error.
FIXED: Issues with updating.

Grab the latest release here: https://github.com/ryanjon2040/UE4-Binary-Builder/releases/latest

Great tool. I have a quick question. Is it possible to build release binaries for a standalone Slate application as well? or is it just for the UnrealEditor ?