Too many materials

So i’ve tried to make Map but the Problem is that every time i launch the session it tells me that the map cant have more than 64 materials:
“Static Mesh has [231] mesh sections which exceeds the allowed number of mesh sections per mesh of [64]. This is likely due to having more than [64] materials for a given mesh. Please break up the mesh into smaller meshes with [64] materials max per mesh. (FortValidator_StaticMeshes)”
Any possable fixes for this ?

Greetings @RONYAR00

Is this occurring with just a standard map that you’ve been adding static meshes to or is it a scenario where you’re trying to import them FBX or something of that nature? I’m sure we can find a solution in any case. Any information will be helpful! (Also, which UE version are we working with?)

Its FBX i exported from minecraft (its complicated) , but it works fine in blender i’ve tried everything to make it work in uefn but it just doesnt, i tried baking and every other technique but still.

Can you use blender to break it up into 4 different pieces, make like 4 copies and delete nodes.

Also, if your mesh is a complex area for players to run around in, you may want to break it up so it works better with UEFN generated collision boxes.

I remember making a hollow box with 2 doorways and the collision mesh just wouldn’t behave even with using complex collision, I think new updates have improved the collision since, but I haven’t used it .

Once you import a piece check out its collision in UEFN, and also play test to see if its working as intended.

Thanks for your response but…
i cant break it up into 4 or three because its filled with blocks so even if i break it into almost 20 pieces it will still remain more than 64 atleast for 3 chunks of it.
but your idea is great and dont worry about the collision i’ve thinked of that and its 100% fine.

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As Hardcawcanary mentioned, breaking this up is generally the best way to resolve this.