Tomb Raider 2 Remake

Hi guys! I just want to show you some previews of my current work on remaking Tomb Raider 2 (1997)
Everything has been made with blueprint cause i haven’t any knowledges with C++ but until now i have reached to do everything that i was wanting (Unreal is so powerfull! thanks to Epic staff)
Actually i’m only working on the first level but like you know, this kind of game is very complex to developp and i try to extend many areas that aren’t in the original game.
So i hope you like it, if some of you are interested, i will release a playable demo very soon, so feel free to checkout my website in the next week :wink:


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You waited long for this attention. You build up a community in the backgound slowly with impressive one hit material and now you have come to let it rain fire <3

Youre so welcome man! Everything you do is just awesome! Youre an incredible artist.

thank you so much!
There’re so many great professional project here, i wasn’t wanting to show weird things, but now i thinks it’s ok

The demo is absolutly stunning!!! I mean it has its flaws… obviously… but overall its pretty solid. The final thing will be worth more then the last tomb raider at least :smiley: hahahah

Just wow, it’s an amazing game demo! Great animations, cool level design and some challenges on the parkours as well. You guys have put some quality time into this product and this comes thru. While i was running around had this feeling i’m playing some pretty cool studio game here. Well done!

AAA game+gameplay, nothing more to say, Venice next please…

Nicobass: please can you post some images what models are joined and what not for learning purposes because i still discover things what should be done and what not when design game world. How much draw calls are in your level?

For example that place draw calls and what meshes are joined and so on, if you can or want of course.

really really impressive !

keep up the excellent work .

I love the tombraider games, and tried to download. Google wouldnt let me though. I’ve been building an asian themed game. Built a blueprint bonsai, willow, and a modular temple system similar to the one in TR2013. Just a bit more stylized. Today i’ve been working on a greatwall spline. Yours looks excellent.

I played the demo yesterday. Man! This is awesome work. You nailed the feel of the classic Tomb Raider games. You actually made dying over and over fun rather than frustrating (the reload time was nice and short which was a pleasant surprise). I can’t wait to play the rest of the game. Keep up the good work and I wouldn’t be surprised if you and your team didn’t get some job offers from AAA studios.

Looks great. Animation looks especially fluid and properly weighted. Nice job.

I think I saw some of your older videos a while back and was pretty impressed with the move set you implemented. It feels just like the old game :). Congratulations on an amazing demo (quite an accomplishment for a solo dev). I hope you can continue working on this and dont get a CAD.

You really managed to capture the atmosphere of the original while bringing the visuals to modern day standards. Congrats and keep up the good work!

You know, just saying, the original developer (and/or the publisher) could just buy your work with a decent price and publish it to the players. Cause this is really an amazing remake worth to sell. :rolleyes:


Awsome. the memories are flowing back.

That’s really impressive! One of the best UE games I’ve ever played

I am a huge fan of the series, I was shocked by the work done for this little Demo.
The work is excellent and conveys the same feeling as it did with the original title, my question is are you going to finish this project entirely or is that all?
I know it can’t be monetized, but there are so many fans, modders and developers like you who love the Tomb Raider series, but I haven’t seen anyone who knows how to use Unreal Engine, bring any of these titles back to life but you, you are I was the only one with a job that was nothing short of sensational.
All I see on the net or on Youtube are just a bunch of tutorials without anything concrete or without a real project.
I am ignorant on the subject, but is it really that difficult to bring one of these titles back to life?
I’d like to see a collaboration between you and some other fans of the series that can help you beat the entire game.