To access Unreal Engine files, add the asset to your Library.

Which I did, and upon page refresh it’s marked as added. In reality the asset is even in the Library.
The download option is still non-existing, DL button leads back to initial state on the asset’s page.

The same issue is preventing me from downloading a UE Learning course’s Starter Content. Clicking “Add to Library” and “View in Library” results in a circular flow.

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I was having the same problem.
Just go to your epic game louncher and on your unreal engine tab go to your library, scroll down and you will find “Fab Library”. rign next to the name is a refresh button. Refresh and you will see the assets. ready to download.
I hope this help.


If there is no “Fab Library” tab, you need to go to the “Settings” section and update the launcher.


If I managed to do it here, I’ll leave an image:
Si aqui lo logre, dejo una imagen:

Of course, also double check that your launcher is logged into the same Epic account as your browser so assets acquired in browser show up in Launcher as well as the Fab plugin in-engine.

For what it’s worth, I can see the original poster’s Quarry asset in my library in browser, launcher and the in-engine Fab plugin.

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I need help! I’m trying to download trees from Quixel Megascans, but I’m unable to do so after the FAB update. A message prompts me to add the asset to the library, and when I go to the library, they are not there, and I get stuck in a loop. The warning message is: “To access Unreal Engine files, add the asset to your Library.” I have already tried refreshing the library within the Epic launcher

Can you try adding those to library from the Fab plugin in UE and then check your Fab library to see if they show up?

Yeah I have the same issue. Also the “view in my library” link doesn’t work.

Included an image to easer explain the loop problem.

This works for now. Should be seen as a workaround though, since it doesn’t work correctly on the website (like explained above).

Nope, definitely does not work. The asset I’m trying to use has a “View in Library” button, both on the website and in the Fab plugin in UE. Both of these buttons launch the Epic Launcher, but the asset is not shown in my vault. I’ve tried logging out and refreshing my vault. Still this asset is never shown there.

I was able to finally see my asset by logging out and logging back into the launcher.

Several months have passed, and the problem has not yet been resolved, it is sad.
I can see other people’s products, for example, with free distribution, but I do not see my new assets.