Hi again,
When we have a TArray as a UPROPERTY inside a USTRUCT, it renders in details panel automatically with our data, like so :
but when I use a TMap with FName as key and a USTRUCT with just a boolean as value, it doesn’t looks right in the details panel…
The code for better understanding:
struct FMyValueStruct
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Setup)
bool MyBool;
struct FMyTMapStruct
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Setup, AdvancedDisplay)
TMap<FName, FMyValueStruct> DisplayTMap;
I’m adding bone names as key in my source file…
In Editor, DetailsPanel it display the field like:
DisplayTMap | ((Bone1, )), ((Bone2, )), ((Bone3, )), ((Bone4))
Not as a TArray does, like in the above example:
Am I doing something wrong or TMap doesn’t have a default display to details panel?
Also, the core idea behind it is that I want to display the name of a bone in left side of the details panel, not the array index number, like TArray does, So, for this reason, I’m trying to use TMap.