Tips for a realistic interior lightning without windows

all this time I’ve been working with exteriors and interiors with the light coming from a directional light as a sun.
Now I wanted to create a small scene, a large corridor without windows. So all the light has to come only from spotlights in the ceiling.

I reached the point where I dont know how much can I improve or where to go for getting a realistic feeling.
So this is how the scene is at the moment :

Can you give me any setting tips on how to improve it? As a reference Im taking the level of detail offered by Silent Hills PT
I also want to keep the grain and chromatic aberration and the modelling as it is.

Additionally :

-Theres no directional light nor sky light in the scene.
-These are the settings for the lights :

-And these are the world settings :

first off go to post processing settings and increase screen space reflections quality to get rid of those mirror like reflections from slightly rougher surfaces. When it comes to lights set brightness to 1700 color something slightly warm and increase radius to get some nice soft shadows (make sure lightmaps resolution is high enough) also dont make walls 100% white keep them 0.7 linear or 85% srgb

You can also increase the Min Roughness on your lights to 1.0 to prevent them creating bright specular hotspots on your reflective surfaces, and instead rely on reflecting the practical light meshes rather than the source.

Thank you for both of your answers.
I never played with the screen space reflections settings, they seem quite useful. As for the lights, putting a high value like 1700 would overbright the scene. There is one per square in the ceiling. I tried putting only 3 but its not enough for the lamps.

I also changed the Min Roughness but that eats most of the shadows above the lamps.

I think I’ll leave the scene as it is for the moment.

Also tried something in photoshop, I wanted to give the whole scene a fisheye effect, is there any specific option for this?

I’ve not used lens distortion, but here’s how I’d see it working:

  1. Create a flat UV texture in Photoshop (red/green gradients overlayed)
  2. Make your distortion changes
  3. In UE, create a post-process material
  4. Use your newly warped UV texture to drive the SceneColor UVs
  5. Apply this PP material as a blendable to your main camera.

I don’t know how well this’ll work, because of the different screen resolution - but if you know you’re running at 1920x1080, it’d make sense to make your UV texture the same resolution (ignore the mipmap warning, its not relevant here)

If the scene gets over brighten there might be something wrong with automatic exposure settings also instead gradient for post process distortion you can use texture coordinates node and some math to save memory also it should scale better with resolution