Tips: Custom Primitive Data and Per Instance Custom Data.

They might sound similar but are actually two different things. You can both use them to reduce draw calls and still provide per instance material control on meshes.
Per primitive data is available on all primitives and per Instance Data on ISM and HISM.
But! ISM are also primitives so you can use them both! Primitive data will apply to all instances in the component and instance custom data per instance.

There is a system called auto instancing in UE and so you can use static meshes with primitive data and still have them as one draw call per LOD.
To check if instancing is working correctly I can recommend render doc. I saw the behavior that ISM will draw together if they have the same amount of instances. (For non nanite)

To use primitve data in a material: Make a scalar or vector parameter and there is a checkbox for it.
To use instance data in a material: there is a seperate node for it. (PerInstanceCustomData)

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I can’t or the life of me get Primitive Custom Data to work with an instanced static mesh component at all.

Per Instance Custom Data will work (if it goes through a Vertex interpolator) but Primitive Custom Data is ignored.

It’s extremely annoying.

I couldn’t reproduce your issue. Here is a simple example using both primitve and instanced custom data.
Material Setup:

→ Color is primitive data and shared for all instances
→ Roughness is instanced and can be controlled per instance

I don’t need to use an vertex interpolator at all.

That had me kinda confused as well. Found this article on the whole process and figured out that I’d forgotten to set the “Num Custom Data Floats” variable on the instanced component. Hopefully you’ll be able to spot what you’re missing from it.

TL;DR the most important parts are the “Set Custom Data Value” BP node, “PerInstanceCustomData” material node, and setting the “Num Custom Data Floats” on the instanced component.

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CPM is a great thing, but unfortunately unusable thanks to Epic, which still does not support packed level actors. They know about it, but its not their “priority”. So its another nice thing throwed to trash, because they doesnt care about bugs.

you can use custom primitive data with packed level actors.

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nope. the components are changing and after the edit the repack is started.