Times Can Trigger on Trigger Options Unable to Change

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Times Can Trigger option in Trigger Device reverting to original number when copied after a game testing or when entering the game

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add Trigger device to world.
  2. Change Times Can Trigger options to 5.
  3. Copy the Trigger device twice. (So there are 3 devices now)
  4. Change the Times Can Trigger options back to Infinite all of the 3 devices.
  5. Copy one of those devices.
  6. Check the options again and it will revert to the initial number which is 5.
  7. Then exit the Creative mode back to lobby and enter the game world again.
  8. Follow Step 7 again.

Expected Result

When copying the device, it should also copy the updated number.
Also, going back to lobby and entering the world should not revert the number input.

Observed Result

When copying the device, it reverts to original input number.
Going back to lobby and entering the world again reverts to the original input and always reverting when exiting Creative.


Xbox Series S, Nintendo Switch OLED