Hello everyone I am having some problems with the Timelines Function and I’m hoping someone could help. I have a level that will spin 90 degrees when you press the E key, only problem is that when you press the E key the level will go 90 degrees in an instant and not slowly like it should.
I made a video (Recording #1 - YouTube)of it and review the blueprints. If you have the time please go watch the video and help me out. I suck at explaining things in writing so I made the video so you can see the problem.
Change your timeline to use a float curve, and then set
Point A to {0 Time, 0 Value}
Point B to {5.0 Time, 180 Value}
Your door seems to be setting it’s world rotation to X on first button press without playing a timeline. I’d have to see the blueprint of the door to narrow it down though.
I think the problem is that you are setting the relative rotation, using “set relative rotation”.
What is the default rotation of the room?
To understand the problem, the doors make a good example. You place them in the world and rotate them according to whatever rotation you want them to have; to line up with the walls.
Then when interacting, the rotation is set to 0,0,0 because the value you get from the curve is 0.
The first door you go up to has a certain alignment, lets say that it’s along the Y axis.
Relative to the first door, the second door is aligned along the X axis. The first time you click this, it snaps to the Y axis. And then it “opens” in the wrong direction - the same direction the first door is opened.
So going back to the first door, the first time you click it “nothing” happens, but it actually snaps to the Y axis alignment, which it already has. Then it opens “correctly”, which is really just coincidental.
The third door follows this rule.
Notice how all the doors on the first interaction align along (our imaginary) Y axis.
Then on the second interaction all doors rotate towards the same X alignment.
So you’re “overriding” the placed rotation by using this absolute value.
Hope it makes sense. The most important part of solving an issue is understanding the issue.
As for a solution, despite having 6 months of time in UE4 so far, I still have not opened a door…
The following setup would allow you to start rotating from the default rotation to a value.
Of course, that’s nowhere near enough of a solution for you, it’s just to get you started.
Determining which direction the door should open I’m not sure how to do right now and it’s getting way too late.