Hi everyone, Ive watched many tutorials and have been searching for quite a while now, either I’m stupid or I haven’t stumbled across the right information. But basically I have created a material instance which contains a float scaler that changes two materials between one another. Now what I want is for when the player enters the collision sphere the float in the material instance will go from 0 to 1 within 5 seconds. Please HELP ME! (this material instance is assigned to the trees in my scene.)
You need a Dynamic Material Instance for what you are trying to do. You can create an dynamic material instance on let’s say BeginPlay and then use it in your event graph and so in the “Set Scalar Parameter” (not sure that is a DMI Node or maybe the wrong one).
Otherwise you would change ALL instances/actors using that Material Instance. (Which is possible iirc - but probably not what you are trying to do)
See the MaterialInstances (Asset) more like a global configuration rather than a per instance material (which would be DMI)
Thanks for the reply, But I ended up fixing this issue with a workaround by making a global float which changes when I enter a volume trigger. Mixed that value with material blending and voila