Timed Objective Device no longer shows on HUD even Countdown Visible enabled.


Timed Objective Device no longer shows on HUD even when Countdown Visible enabled.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Place Timed Objective Device
Set Countdown Visible enabled to Yes/

Expected Result

Visible on HUD

Observed Result

Not Visible on HUD



On Image 2 you can see a small black square like it is trying / knows its there but is not showing.

FORT-830276 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.

Seeing this bug too after last update (V 33.0)


Checking into this.

Ticket is a duplicate of FORT-829874, for reference.

Same error for me. Hopefully next patch addresses it, otherwise if someone knows a workaround that’d be great :slight_smile:

You can switch to the other timer but that is having issues counting down from 10 visually and is also not in sync with the timed objective device.

I was hoping that the current update was going to fix this issue but as it still remains. Please Epic, get this fixed as soon as possible :slight_smile:


This Issue persists and It’s quite bothering. Is there a clean workaround for this?

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I’m also experiencing the same bug! IT seems to be already on a Ticket and support is on its way it looks like. Hoping this gets fixed soon as well :slight_smile: