Time of Day Landscape question

So I followed this tutorial => ?v=xt_TIYthRUE

and everything works properly with 4.7.1, however after the sun sets, my landscape is still being affected by the directional light. (sun light) How would one go about scaling back the directional light’s influence on the landscape (similar to checking/unchecking affects world box in light attributes, only easing it out rather than just shutting it off) when it hits a certain rotation amount, and then easing it back in when the sun hits another level of rotation (the, “times,” between sunrise and sunset.) I’m still really new to blueprints and programming in general, otherwise I’d dig into it myself. Thanks in advance for any tips :slight_smile:

Take a look at this thread: :slight_smile:

“Turning off the sun during the night will solve this. Read the next section to see how to change variables based on the time of day.”

Setting the Sun’s Light intensity to 0 during night time will easily solve this. Alternatively, if you need the sunlight active at night for stellar objects (moons and such) you can add a large simple mesh to your skydome that effectively blocks the light, so when it passes the horizon, it goes behind the mesh you just added.

On the tutorial linked () near the bottom are two custom events for changing the brightness. I’d change the brightness to sun intensity for starters and include a timeline in there to stop it simply ‘turning off’. You can tell it to fade out doing so.

I’m at work right now so can’t take a screenshot but if you’re still struggling later I’ll give you some screenshots.

This was actually exactly what I was trying to do last night, based off of a tutorial I was following on changing light intensity, I’m at work also and can’t link the tut I was following, though the way I was doing it wasn’t working. I’ll try the process included in 's tut. Thank you all for your help :)))